The “Final Touch” to the July 15 Project Was Made at the Torture Base MIT Farm Compound

To date, the facts that Hulusi Akar (Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces at the time) and Hakan Fidan (Director of MIT at the time) were the main actors of the July 15 Project have been undeniably revealed. However, it's crucial not to forget other significant figures involved in the project, such as Yaşar Güler (Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff at the time), Zekai Aksakallı (Special Forces Commander at the time), and Kemal Eskintan (former Colonel).
MIT personnel who witnessed the entrances and exits at the MIT Farm Compound, which became a base for torture, gave very important information. When we combine this information with some previously publicized information, it becomes clear that a series of coordination meetings were held before July 15. Let's look at the unusual events of July 13 and 14: Yaşar Güler, Hakan Fidan, Zekai Aksakallı, Kemal Eskintan arrived at the MIT Farm Compound after 18.00 on July 13, 2016.
The number of cars and the significant number of security personnel made the visit highly unusual and striking. Those who witnessed it say that the MIT Farm Compound has only seen such a spectacular and active visit once before. That was when Sunay Elmas, who was abducted by MIT and is still missing, was brought to the MIT Compound. It’s worth mentioning that Hakan Fidan personally interrogated Sunay Elmas and that Fidan personally directed the crimes against humanity.
The graduation ceremony for Special Forces Command trainees was usually held on Fridays. For some unexplained reason, this ceremony was moved to July 14, 2016.
Those who follow current affairs know, but let us remind you again. It was revealed that Hakan Fidan also attended the ceremony, that Akar and Fidan sat at a separate table and held a private conversation at the dinner organized after the ceremony, that while their meeting was going on, Yaşar Güler left the Special Forces Command, and that after Akar left at 23.30, Fidan and Zekai Aksakallı took a long walk alone again.
There is also new information to add. On July 14, former officer and MIT personnel Kemal Eskintan also held some meetings at the graduation ceremony, based on Eskintan's own statements. As the events unfolded, we learn where Yaşar Güler, who left early - out of protocol - went. On July 14, 2016, Yaşar Güler and Kemal Eskintan left the Special Forces Command graduation ceremony and headed to the MIT Farm Compound. The two then had a private meeting that lasted late into the night. According to military customs, it seems unusual for a General to hold a private meeting for hours with a retired Colonel. After all, isn't everything about the July 15 Project unusual?
On July 15, Kemal Eskintan was prepared, conscious, and reacted very quickly. It is not as if he took action after an unexpected tip-off. He gathered his team around 20.00, provided support to the MIT headquarters and then returned to the MIT Farm Compound. He assigned tasks to everyone, brought in FN-6 missiles, and sent Kalashnikov weapons to the Special Forces Command from the Gölbaşı SİB warehouse. The tip-off only mentioned the abduction of Hakan Fidan. Why, then, was he providing support the Special Forces? The measures he took had nothing to do with the tip-off, indicating that he knew of a broader plan and was aware that larger-scale events would take place.
According to witnesses, on the morning of July 16, he had a phone call with Zekai Aksakallı in a raised voice. In this conversation, he said “I placed the heavy weapons (Stinger) on the roof of the Presidential Complex, and positioned the armored vehicles”. The fact that he spoke with Aksakallı and provided a report to him, despite the absence of a formal chain of command between them, suggests that both individuals played significant roles in the design of the project prior to July 15.
If the aforementioned individuals choose to deny this information, which I have confirmed with witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of every detail, they should release the HTS (Historical Traffic Search) records to the public, and we will acknowledge that we have slandered them.
As you can see, no information remains hidden in the corridors of Ankara; it only waits for the right moment to be deciphered. If information regarding the July 15th Project is leaking even with limited means, imagine what will be revealed in the near future when the pressure eases…
Dilaver Derviş
(*) This news was previously published on 15temmuzinfo website. Link to the article: