Extraordinary Meetings at the National Intelligence Agency before July 15

Since July 15th was a conspiracy perpetrated by official institutions, official and unofficial officials of the state against its own army and its own officials, every detail that emerges must be examined, investigated and emphasized. One of these details was revealed in the Akıncı case file.
Defense lawyer Ayten İzmirli, who made a defense before the court within the scope of the Akıncı case file held at the Ankara 4th High Criminal Court, describes the activity in the National Intelligence Organization before July 15th in her statement based on MİT personnel arrested after July 15th;
“... Now I have a defendant who worked at the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and is currently under arrest. There were some questions I was very curious about. I asked him if there were any extraordinary events at the MİT before July 15th? Can you tell me what you can remember? He sent me a one-page letter. I would like to read it especially for the record, Mr. President;
“... Before July 15, extraordinary meetings were held at the Yenimahalle campus of the MİT organization. Soldiers and police officers were present at these meetings. In some meetings, we saw that there were foreign interlocutors. These meetings took place late at night. In the organization, such meetings, especially with foreign institutions, were not held much and they were not held late at night. Our organization has a more closed structure. The place where meetings are to be held is determined, meetings are not held in places where operational units are located, this is the procedure. However, recently, interlocutors from foreign organizations have been hosted in places where operational units are located and meetings have been held in public...”
Based on this statement, answering some questions is critical for shedding light on July 15th.
(1) Who were the soldiers and police officers who attended these meetings held at MİT before July 15? Did these soldiers and police officers attend these meetings with the knowledge of the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish National Police?
(2) What were the nature of these meetings, which took place in violation of the practices of the National Intelligence Organization?
(3) Which countries did the foreign interlocutors who attended the meetings belong to? What were their reasons for being present at the meetings?
(4) Why did these meetings unlawfully take place in locations where operational units were located?
Has the Deputy Undersecretary of MIT who met with O.K. hidden the information?
In her defense based on her defendant's statements, lawyer Ayten İzmirli points out another important detail;
“... On July 15th, around the time O.K. arrived, he had a meeting with S.A., the deputy undersecretary, which was also reflected in the press. There was an active situation. Upon receiving this news, S.A. sent his family living in the lodgings to a trusted friend outside. The meeting took place between 14 and 15 in the afternoon. An intelligence officer of years like S.A. had foreseen such a situation and took the necessary precautions for his family. He says he does not know whether he informed his immediate superior, the undersecretary, and presented the matter. He specifically asks why other members of the organization were denied the precautions he had foreseen and taken for his family...”
It seems that there are answers to all the questions that remain in the dark about July 15th. However, those who set up the July 15 plot are preventing these answers from emerging.
We believe that once the rule of law is restored in the country, those who set this trap for their own army and soldiers will be tried and the truth will come out.
Fatih Ayhan Acar
Transcript of the solution of the defense of defense counsel Ayten İzmirli on 11.07.2018 in the case file numbered 2017/43 Esas [ Akıncı ] of Ankara 4th Assize Court