Confidential Witness in the Interrogation: Esat Özormancık

Confidential Witness Abdullah, whose real name is Esat Özormancık, frequently mentioned in the processes following the so-called July 15 coup attempt, caused dozens of people to be victimized through his statements. Beginning in early 2015, we will examine how the path to July 15 was paved through this individual, one of the names who was given an active role in the blacklisting process and later discarded.
Who is Esat Özormancık?
After graduating from the Turkish Military Academy, Özormancık began serving as an army pilot, but due to his problematic personality, he was repeatedly removed from every post he was assigned to. Known as 'Fesat'(The Corrupt) among his fellow graduates, Abdullah was dismissed from every position he held and later sought revenge on his comrades-in-arms, who had been dismissed under decree-laws.
When Özormancık beganworking at the General StaffHeadquarters, he drew attention with his quarrelsome behavior, even cursing at the staff, further creating unrest. It is understood that, on the orders of the President, Abdullah started blacklisting individuals in 2015, becoming one of the key figures in laying the groundwork for the so-called July 15 coup attempt.
Confidential Witness in the Interrogation!
While Oğuz Yalçın, a defendant in the Army Aviation case, is being interrogated by Prosecutor Alparslan Karabay, Confidential Witness Abdullah (Esat) is also participating in the questioning. Throughout the interrogation, the offers made to the defendants pushedthe boundaries of justice.They asked Yalçın to claim that he had received orders from Christian groups. Yalçın, who vehemently refused to make such a slanderous statement, was mocked, with comments like, “How long would he last under torture?”
This attitude of Confidential Witness Abdullah has been interpreted as part of an effort to create the impression that the coup was externally supported, and it is understood that such a slander was intended to be made in order for the prosecutors to chase headlines and to provide material for the public opinion in this process.
Manipulation Behind Closed Doors
During the interrogations, Abdullahwent beyond the bounds of justice with the pressure, he exerted on the defendants by taking the prosecutors out of the room, causing justice to be questioned. The offer made to the defendant Oğuz Yalçın to "Give the statement we want, and your case will be closed. You and your family can live in any country you want” shows how Abdullah was used as an instrument of manipulation and pressure.
The Expected End of a Regime Apparatus
In earlier statements, the confidential witnesshad suggested that Hulusi Akar was involved in the so-called coup. However, it appears that he was later warned not to express this opinion, and he was effectively sidelined.
Salim Sancak